Talks & Courses This Month
Explore our Courses
Introduction to Vedic Meditation
If you are feeling like you need a boost in your life and inner awareness, and would like to understand how meditation can help you, then please join an Intro talk.
Introduction talks takes place at 7:00-7:45pm EST, every other Monday evening. (check the calendar- I travel a bit and may not be regular- or send me a note and I can do a personal intro talk with you) In person or on zoom.
This is a one hour lecture with a question/answer session designed for anyone interested in learning more about Vedic Meditation- a simple, effortless and highly beneficial practice that absolutely anyone can learn.
The Four Day Course
The Four Day Course of Vedic Meditation is the next step in your practice. Consisting of four consecutive days of in-person instruction with Suzanne, you will take your practice deeper with four daily 90-minute classes.
Group Meditation, Talks & Retreats
Daily Meditation
Join us on Zoom and in person every Monday - Friday from 4:00-4:30pm EST. Check the Talks and Courses calendar for the most up to date information to connect.
Sunday Deck Talk & Meditation
Every Sunday, Suzanne hosts Sunday Deck Talk and Meditation, a virtual meditation session on Zoom from 9:00am - 10:00am EST. Each session includes lively discussions and question/answer style learning. Refer to the Talks and Courses calendar for the schedule.
Rounding Retreats
Rounding is an industrial strength advanced technique that combines simple yoga asanas and breath work with our meditation practice. It is designed to dislodge our deepest stresses.
Advanced Courses
Exploring the Veda 1-6
The blueprint of creation, the Veda is the ancient record of spiritual experiences. Vedas are the source of the arts and sciences of Ayurvedic medicine, yoga, meditation and Indian philosophy. Knowledge of the Veda is said to confer mastery of all the laws of nature, because the Veda is structured as universal knowledge available within everyone’s consciousness.
Mastering the Siddhis 1-6
A Siddhi is an extraordinary human power, a rare capability to interact with the laws of nature to manifest desires and the power to engage the laws of nature in order to live in accord with them from within one's deep level of bliss consciousness.
Advanced Techniques
If you have been meditating regularly for over 12 months, then you are able to receive an advanced technique. Advanced techniques are held at the center and are designed to allow meditators to enjoy higher states of consciousness more quickly as they enable the mind to access and maintain “Ritam” (the subtlest and most creative level of thinking) more easily. Advanced technique courses are conducted as a private course.