Talks Archive

Interview with Cindy Allen: Meditation with Suzanne Tick

Giants + Rising Talent 2024, Encinitas, California



De-Excitation Brings Abundance

A discussion on the techniques of Vedic meditation and the world of unbounded color choices.



Transitioning / Transcending

Comparing the adaption ability of multipurpose textiles with the adaption energy gained through a twice daily meditation practice.



Creation Operation

Suzanne talks about how the cycle of nature operates and organizes around the notion of creation.



DesignBiz: On Creative Intelligence with Cindy Allen

Editor-in-Chief Cindy Allen (@thecindygram) chats with Suzanne on Creative Intelligence, Suzanne's experience in India, Vedic Meditation, Mentorship and Product Development Innovation for 2021.



Introduction to Vedic Meditation

A virtual Election Day wellness event, “#BeWell” hosted by Design Stands Together and Novita Communications.



Tick Talks: Life and Design Integration

A 15-minute monthly series with Luum Textiles on how to design confidently, strengthen relationships and energize yourself and your team through a Vedic perspective.



Tick Talks: Following Charm (How the Mind Works)

A 15-minute monthly series with Luum Textiles on how to design confidently, strengthen relationships and energize yourself and your team through a Vedic perspective.



Tick Talks: Let’s Un-Stress the Vedic Way

A 15-minute monthly series with Luum Textiles on how to design confidently, strengthen relationships and energize yourself and your team through a Vedic perspective.



Tick Talks: The Mechanics of Vedic Meditation

A 15-minute monthly series with Luum Textiles on how to design confidently, strengthen relationships and energize yourself and your team through a Vedic perspective.
